Teacher of the Year Sarah Borofsky
with her husband Jacob at the Inn
In two days, my husband will retire after 40 years of teaching and administrating in independent high schools. We will celebrate with family and friends at the Inn, not only to acknowledge his transition into what I hope will be a well-deserved rest but also to acknowledge his incredible dedication to a profession that was neither lucrative nor glamorous. He taught because he loves to teach; he taught because he loves high school kids. "They're funny," he would often say. "And they're honest." No small things.
In the May 11th issue of The New York Times, Steve Almond wrote a wonderful piece about what we worship and honor today. "Americans worship athletes and moguls and movie stars, those who possess the glittering gifts we equate with worth and happiness. . . . We might be willing to watch a drama about a meek high-school science teacher, but only if he degenerates into a homicidal meth tycoon." Funny not only because the concept of Breaking Bad was absurd, but funny, too, because of what it says about American values.
So because they do not get the credit they deserve, I tried to find a way to say thank you to the teachers out there who tirelessly take our youth into their hands and try to help them find their passions and their strengths and who thereby have our future in their hands as well. Congratulations, Sarah Brokofsky, Cumberland County Teacher of the Year. Sarah and her husband will enjoy a weekend at the Inn as our guests. If we had a red carpet, we'd roll it out for her.
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